Category Archives: China Marketing Articles

Hong Kong Earns The Highest Level of Email Spam, China Online Marketing, Shanghai, China

Technology security company Symantec says Hong Kong received the highest level of spam of any region or country in the world as the company published its latest report. The May 2009 MessageLabs Intelligence Report highlights that spam experienced a further worldwide increase of 5.1% since last month, reaching heights of 90.4%. Email spam levels in Hong Kong rose by 2.4% in May to 92.3%, positioning…


An Important Marketing Principle: Give Before You Try to Get (Part 1), China Online Marketing, Shanghai, China

An Important Marketing Principle: Give Before You Try to Get (Part 1), China Online Marketing, Shanghai, China Experts have talked about this before. How many times have you read about the importance of ‘adding value’ for your audience? How many times have you read about ‘building trust’ with your readers/prospects? Many, many times. You know it well. Every marketing guru has spoken about this topic….


TOP 10 Websites Popular Among Chinese College Girls, China Online Marketing, Shanghai, China

Here are top 10 popular websites visited by most Chinese college Girls. From the list, we can clearly divided the website into 5 types: SNS, Health and Skin Care, Blog, Fans forum and Online shopping center etc., NO.1 Tianya Forum NO.2 Rayli Female Forum NO.3 Taobao NO.4 Taobao Shops Collection NO.5 MOP NO.6 Xiaonei NO.7 Sina Blog…
